
Author Speaker ConsultantAuthor Speaker ConsultantAuthor Speaker ConsultantAuthor Speaker Consultant

Speaking relevant and thought-provoking insight into faith, government, and the 2020 Election. 


Curt Smith is a journalist, congressional aide, think tank executive, and Christian ministry leader with a mind for public policy and a love for people. A seventh-generation Hoosier, Curt has served since 2001 as the president of the Indiana Family Institute, an Indianapolis-based nonprofit public education and research organization. Curt is the author of three books, has been interviewed by thousands of national and local media outlets, and owns a private business consulting firm.

Curt's most recent book

Deicide: How Hostility towards Faith is Destroying Religious Liberty

America's decline and her broken politics are behind nearly every headline and news story we encounter. Despair over our national dysfunction grows, but in Deicide we have a clear diagnosis of the problem and the prescription to put us back on track to a flourishing public life. This provocative book, named for the Latin word for eliminating or destroying the Divine, argues America's decline is rooted in denying our essential national nature. That nature is rooted in the Declaration of Independence as the source of national identity as well as the source of political rights and responsibilities. Deicide attacks the hostility to faith in public by noting we have moved from separation of church and state to segregation of church and state. Reversing this hostility will restore civil discourses and reinvigorate American politics. This concise work is for all involved in the public policy process and for all who wish better days ahead for America.


Read Curt's Work



by Curt Smith 

(Curt Smith, 2016)


On Christian Citizenship

by Curt Smith 

(IFI, 2008)


Pause Points

by Gene Harker with Curt Smith (Westbow Press, 2011)

2020 Election Commentary

Curt is currently focusing a lot of his energy and expertise to comment on and educate voters about the 2020 election. In this political and cultural climate, American citizens need an advocate for truth and facts. In his 2020 Election Commentary, Curt focuses on Trump's accomplishments in his first four years, voting for policy over persona, and what the Bible says about government. 

Speaking Engagements

Curt has spoken on what the Bible says about politics, Christian education, government, cancer lessons, and more. With his expereince in the church, in the political arena, and a Masters Degree in Theology, Curt is able to personally speak to an array of important topics. Contact him today to learn more about speaking at your church or organization.